Regional West’s Rehab Center will soon offer Bingocize®, a new and exciting health program that combines exercise, health education, and the game of bingo. Come to a free preview class to see if this program could be a great fit for you!
Regional West is committed to promoting good health through education and healthy events. We offer a variety of classes and programs for people of all ages.
Regional West’s Rehab Center will soon offer Bingocize®, a new and exciting health program that combines exercise, health education, and the game of bingo. Come to a free preview class to see if this program could be a great fit for you!
If you’re a new mother zero to 12 months postpartum, you’re invited to join our bimonthly postpartum support group in the Women’s Center reception area. Join us to talk about your experience, connect with other moms, and learn about tools and...
Regional West plans to host monthly American Heart Association cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) classes for area healthcare providers in 2024.
According to the American Heart Association, CPR, especially if administered immediately...
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